Wed, January 31, 2018

EDS kick starts training activities this 2018

SEDP Enterprise Development Services Unit started training activities for this year, after assessment and setting plan last January 8, 2018.

A meeting with the Department of Science and Technology was facilitated by the unit for the One Store Project last January 16, 2018 wherein said project will form SEDP Multipurpose Cooperative’s Community Store as center hub of Bicol products.

One on one mentoring on branding and product labeling, the first training activity of EDS for this year was given to the members last January 19th and 26th. It was also in the last week of January that a learning session and exposure on Babuyang Walang Amoy Project and Goal Setting Session for Santeh Foundation Grantees were facilitated.

These kinds of training activities will be held throughout the year to cater all members, and to continuously help and guide them in managing and developing their enterprises.