Fri, October 6, 2017

SEDP MBA released hospitalization benefits to members

Hospitalization claims was given by SEDP Mutual Benefit Association to three (3) SEDP members from Camalig and Guinobatan last September 28 and October 2, 2017.

Nanay Salvacion N. Ditan of Libod, Camalig who was been a member for almost 21 years, received One thousand pesos (P 1,000.00), Nanay Irene P. De Lara of Quibongbongan , Guinobatan, a member for almost 3 years received Four hundred pesos (P 400.00), while Nanay Salvacion M. Orolfo of Upper Binogsacan, Guinobatan, a member for almost 7 years received Six hundred pesos (P 600.00) of Hospitalization claims.

Daily Hospitalization Income Benefit is part of the Basic Insurance Plan of SEDP Mutual Benefit Association given to the members who  were hospitalized and confined for not less than twelve (12) hours, where SEDP MBA shall pay Two Hundred Pesos (P 200.00) daily hospitalization benefit up to five days within a year. Members who are eligible for the benefit shall have at least three (3) years continuous membership with SEDP MBA.

Be insured and learn more about SEDP MBA products and benefits here:

Photos (c) SEDP MBA